
saturn in aquarius tarotsaturn in aquarius tarot

Tragically, it was medically acquired and your partner passed away. You also had Pluto at 24 Capricorn, triggering the pattern. Your Saturn Return in Pisces in the Twelfth House will be announced with a new stage set or piece of scenery in your life from March 2023, with the action to come later. So, psychiatry, psychology, the Tarot, astrology, crystals, spiritualism, Buddhism and so on. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation Some years ago, Diana told us what she thought of her former husband in her own words and. Thank you for your insightful comments as always, my dear. Many people equate Saturn with structure, since his liminal nature gave him an association with borders and boundaries. i remember going on a Take Back the Night March with a heavy gay vibe and a musical tone distinct to those younger women. Infants. I get excited every time you post something new and follow you on Twitter. They both address health and self-healing. Aquarius: Saturn moves into your sign in Aquarius, and this can be a time when youre taking on lots of responsibilities and assessing your life, including professionally. Good one, too. There will be new limitations and restrictions. You are a Sun Libra with Libra, Virgo, Cancer stelliums, so what is actually affecting your life in 2023, 2024 is the South Node in Libra for the first time in 18-19 years. Saturn returns can oftentimes lead to endings, embracing more responsibility, and setting new boundaries. The shut-out (or shut in) social life of 2021, 2022 and early 2023 ends in March. Aquarius rules hordes of people and during The Black Death, the Mongol Golden Horde army carried the plague. Cancer: House. You see both with the IC in Virgo. Being blocked and facing barriers? In this lifetime you are here to sort out a new deal with yourself and your beliefs, or the beliefs of others. The new AIDS is Covid. Again, its a holiday. May 20: Mars enters Leo. Aquarius January 22 to February 19 With Saturn encouraging you to get organized, you may have carved out daily routines that have become automatic, and that 25 Hi Jessica, I will follow your suggestion concerning healers/hypnotists and your insights have made me consider my allergy issue in a different way which will hopefully be helpful for the future. Thanks for a response, if you have time. During this period he will also be exploring neighbouring regions and the local area in a new way. People or organisations which you felt controlled by, will lose control. The cycle ends in March. The other useful tip is to scrutinise who/what you commit to when Saturn makes the ingress in Pisces on March 8th and be a realist about who/what you take on. There is a second step in July when the karma with some of these people also ends. Try it now. Study is work too. Thank you Marls. Thank you for all you do. At face value, this is a very positive development Saturn occupies his rulership in Aquarius and so his most positive traits come to the fore. I am so curious about the meanings of the planets, but also what each one means for each sun sign. It was the year that the gay community an Aquarius group with all its diversity and equality was hit hard by AIDS. Saturn in astrology often shows up for people who dont seem to use it. Household. But Saturn suggests its wise to look. Theyd make so many to-do lists! Thank you. Happy Lunar New Year. i have copied in his chart. Also in 1992, the International Olympic Committee ruled athletes who were HIV positive could compete. You gift is really amazing. She was born from Jupiters brain fully formed. It has been his alternative reality. Best. He is associated with old age and the passing of time, and The Grim Reaper. My brother is a strong Virgo Stellium (11 factors including 7 deg Sun, 4 deg Venus, 23 deg Uranus, 19 deg Pluto, 22 deg Juno, 3 deg Ceres, 27 deg IC, 11 deg Apollo, 20 deg Panacea, 7 deg Ops, 14 deg Mercury) and had relapse for depression since late 2020. Is a conjunction a positive thing or negative thing in this case? Now the funny thing is that it means even more now. The ground is being broken up so new things can grow. Confinement She can use the Garden Oracle, Astrology Oracle and Tarot on this website for more insights. You live in a cage. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020, but with other planets joining it in the sign of the water bearer, were feeling its energy in a new way. I am having such a difficult time on my new job. The duets and double-acts. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Find out. There comes a time during everyones Saturn Return when they must say au revoir to some of their friends. I had really hard years with work and friends behind me and I changed a lot, to become a better situation. Not just the home, but also the family will find far more freedom as a result. Take this as an opportunity to really dive in and analyze your own purpose, or consider what things you could release in order to make room for something greater. 1991 was the year that Freddie Mercury died from AIDS and Magic Johnson tested HIV positive. Thats why. just re-posting my question from a couple of days ago. And its from this fact that Saturn receives most of his traditional associations. Dont just wander into, say, a mortgage or a contract. I remembered trying to have a reasonable conversation about sexuality and sin/harm with my dad back then and his only defense of homophobia was that he believed I was hurting god. If you have a lot of planets or your ascendant in Aquarius or Leo, then this next two and a half years will involve a lot of transformation as discussed. It also rules the subconscious mind, so hypnosis, therapy and counselling. It ends in March. The following day on May 17, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius. You are stuck. In the cycle of the year in the northern I read something about barricades and I thought the shackles would be coming off especially around the idea of home and where this is. I have distanced myself and now work for myself but ist is not easy. DESC This is all starting to sound like a new job to me. How do I prepare for this? My natal Saturn and Venus are literally on top of each other and in the 7th house AND in Cancer. The last two times Saturn was in Aquarius were from February 6th, 1991, to May 21st, 1993, and from June 30th, 1993, to January 28th, 1994. Ive never fully understood the parts of my personality that I struggle with where Saturn (and Juno) sit (and I think my Diana placement adds to how hard I find those things) when I really feel I shouldnt be struggling and be more appreciative for what I am very lucky to have but instead it often feels like a ball and chain, like entrapment, like Im suffocating. I suggest following the Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter to get the facts, daily. You may have to take it. So, on the eve of my second saturn return, I will hang on to the wisdom that saturn takes away what we need to have taken away and it is for the best in the long run. Conversely, if your love life is going amazingly well, then consider putting a ring on it. But the key, as with all Virgo stelliums, is to find a service to perform that is rewarding. Saturn in Libra in your Seventh House is about lifelong restrictions involving partners and limits, obstacles and barriers involving other sorts of duets, like marriages or professional duets. What you do May 2023 to May 2024 re-establishes your relationship with the idea of serving others, or doing your duty, or perfecting your tasks. For classical astrologers and magicians, Aquarius was the daytime home of Saturn. Long-term, the world of courtship, the bedroom, children (and other peoples children) is a way out. Sun Leo? Saturnalia in Rome was a holiday from all forms of work. Saturn in astrology educates through time. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Exhale. In this time you may have had anything ranging from bad property developers, to Covid issues with where to live, to unwelcome neighbours. Hi Jessica, How likely is it that as I read the comments above my chart is close to identical to the one posted with the exception of the moon, I had to do a double take and compare mine side by side. They are heavy and multiple. Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. Still optimistic and relieved from whats being left behind in 2022 Anything to glee about this year? You really do have such fabulous insights thank you for sharing! It ends. I appreciate any guidance. You are also here to lead by example in conflicts and contests. Possessions. Saturn is the furthest visible planet from the Earth, and so his sphere is the furthest away from us. A massive lawsuit exposed smoking as a killer too. Saturn in astrology educates through time. In the cycle of the year in the northern hemisphere where astrology was developed, we enter Aquarius season when we are single-mindedly moving away from the winter solstice, the darkest point of the year, back towards the summer, even though the nights are longer than the days and we are fighting an uphill battle back towards the lightest day of the year. In this article, I want to go through what this means on its own by exploring the essences of Saturn and Aquarius, and then discuss what kinds of developments we can all expect from this new ingression. Its on that level, but the media is also brought in, so this feels like politics to me. So its complicated. You will find out what you need to know, for your own best interests, about your father by May 2023. Take your time as you figure out your next move. Pluto in Virgo is about the need to tightly control the course, or the job, and to be top dog. Itll stay there until March 7th, 2023, apart from a dip back into Capricorn from July 1st, 2020, to December 17th, 2020. You cant get him out of your chart at least not in the universe we are both inhabiting as I answer your question! thank you Jessica. He has had a very challenging few years personally with his family and profession (a therapist). Thanks for your insight, it is much appreciated . You are on track to find the most meaningful and rewarding sort of work you have done in years, Lynne, and knowing you have a good, strong purpose you love every day will also help, as it is a powerful reason to be fit again. Be a total realist about travel and travellers, for example. Capricorn: Position. (He was invited to treat Prince Philip at one point). Saturn in Aquarius is all about teaching us how to modify outdated systems, while still maintaining some form of boundary or structure. I am currently offering all my readings by donation. This site i remember over the years . I will also look at how he is going to function in his new sign of Pisces. Lastly, Saturn, again in its role as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring. So you may be locked into a mortgage and marriage, or locked out of a family inheritance. The North Node in Aquarius in the Eleventh House comes with the South Node in Leo in the Fifth House as a package. Saturn is the wild, untamable forces of spirit which tear down structures and individual ego. She writes, By sign and house position, Saturn denotes those areas of life in which the individual is likely to feel thwarted in his self-expression, where he is most likely to be frustrated or meet with difficulties. Again, we are back to the famous rings. Demarcation Transiting Saturn in Pisces in Capricorns solar Third House of communication will slow things down online for you and every Capricorn. Sagittarius, Taurus season has you finishing up tasks and getting back on track. You are stuck. The worst is over. Transiting Saturn will eventually move to 20, 21 Pisces and trine this natal Saturn-Minerva conjunction. Thank you in advance as this has always baffled me, so would be fascinated to know. Try before you buy with Dr. Paul McKenna and Glenn Harrold. Perhaps you know. On your Saturn Return, as you leave your twenties, Saturn returns to the same sign and degree it occupied at your birth and you have an important year or two, of dealing with heavy new thresholds. any good news? He is every bit the description in the reading to include literally jumping in the ocean. It may be gambling. My adult son Sun Leo, 11 Aquarius moon ASC 17 Virgo Venus 1 Virgo and Mercury 9Virgo Mars 20 Virgo. As Saturn moves into the final degrees of a zodiac sign (like Aquarius) and more is known, the limits, restrictions and barriers start to look negotiable. The Paris Opera Ballet and the Civil Rights Movement were visited by Saturn in astrology. The interesting thing is that I am now so grateful it happened I was trying to build a life with who I now realise is a narcissistic psychopath but back then I was very deluded and in love with dreams not reality. They still work today. Your freedom is ring-fenced. They may be found as engineers designing bridges or highways or they may be found in the computer industry designing a new form of microchip or as figures in the leading edge of medicine. 37 Teenagers. But Saturn will always replace what he takes away with something in much closer alignment with our true spirit. Tarot. Hi Jessica, The years 2023 and 2024 end the politics with one or more partners, former partners and so on. The April 20th 2023 Eclipse This is a Solar Eclipse at 29 Aries 50 and if you have anything in your natal chart at 29. Saturn in Aries in the First House is a symbol of restriction, heavy limitations, barriers and obstacles which surround your appearance, reputation and title. rx require self mastery to reach higher realms which happened 2003 about 60 ish and ever since i obsessed on finding that written out and today it did. You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, Capricorn, Aries and Gemini. When this event takes place, it marks a period of maturity (the first Saturn return taking place right as you step into your thirties, the second one occurring as you move into your sixties, etc). You will feel closure, however this pans out. Do you see any changes coming up for me professionally this year ? Hello Jessica. Some people say its a wild and devastating time. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Apollo in Libra is important as he is about combat as well as passion, and your Apollo Return will remind you that 2023-2024 is about balancing the scales. When Saturn moves out of it, am I to expect positive or negative changes? Take control of the situation and stand tall and proud. Most famous for its rings, the planet Saturn is associated with the following words below similar to the idea of being ringed or encircled, in Rogets International Thesaurus. Networks. You have been floating in this area of your life for years but new restrictions and limitations are about to appear. I am aware of what you stated in a previous post. What does this transit mean for me as I have saturn at zero degrees. Dreams. It is uncomfortable for me to talk about money, what to charge for my work. You have mentioned previously that as a Sun Pisces with an Aquarius and Pisces stellium, Im heading out of a difficult time with groups and friends (yay!) I suspect this is government intervention on, say, the anonymity of the internet. So there is hope. Vulcano All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. You are a Sun Capricorn woman with Aquarius and Leo stelliums. Makes it feel like a community and not alone during this tough time. Pluto and Uranus Ive outlined as your brother is always set free when he says No or hears No with work (even housework) and there is also a great need to take over, both with work, unpaid work, study, but also to take over his own health. The reason you have had a tough time is transiting Saturn at 24 Aquarius, opposing your natal Saturn at 24 Leo, pulling in Mars at 24 Cancer and Psyche at 23 Scorpio. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. Im joking a lot about that with my friends. Standing back from your chart and looking at the bigger picture, Sun Taurus with stelliums in Taurus, Aries and Gemini shows you its all about money. Saturn moving across Pisces and the Twelfth House brings new restrictions and limitations, along with the usual Neptune in Pisces experience of boundary-free life. The caveat is, it has to be something he wants to do. If you are giving up smoking, it has to be with a method that you can put up with, in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. He stands on the spot and then turns backwards through a sign. Saturn will be in Pisces from March 2023, and stay in 2024, 2025 and early 2026. I include housework in that, as well as salaried work. 39 R This is lifelong. We did okay. Social Media. Therapy. Years of relentless issues about work, unpaid work, academia end in March. And sometimes you just sidestep and avoid. So, exactly the same cycle is happening twice, and here we are with an airborne pandemic. Saturday is Saturns Day. why cant this planet Saturn be renamed? One of those factors is the IC or Immum Coeli which suggests he has inherited depression from a relative or ancestor; alternatively he has inherited the cure it, fix it pattern from the same; there may have been a doctor or psychiatrist, nurse or surgeon in the family tree. He comes with ring-fenced situations where it is impossible to get access, but also impossible to get out. It can also come out as an identity crisis, or general feelings of stuckness and confusion about where your life should be headed and what your purpose is. He has Ceres in Virgo; she is associated with the depression cycle. Your Saturn is in conjunction with Fortuna, trine Juno and aspects the North Node and South Node as well. Also use this as an opportunity to support your brothers and sisters who are having a harder time you may be called upon more frequently to walk other people through their own dark nights of the soul. Pluto is at 17 Virgo, again in opposition, and in conjunction with Uranus, in the Sixth House. You have Bacchus, Proserpina and Vesta in Virgo in your Sixth House of health and work. You have been through this before, so you know what to do. Yod, North Node in 10 Libra The biggest impact in 2023 is the end of the South Node in Scorpio which has kept you in a stuck situation with finance, property, business or charity. 06 She also explains how Pluto moving into Aquarius projects big societal change and revolution worldwide. So, living with a man and then breaking up, may result in you sacrificing some of your furniture. So, you have the bare minimum to deal with, having already given yourself the advantage of a healthy B.M.I (for example) or a five-star medical. You have been through the most restricted, limited cycle in 29 years with friends, your social life, groups, social media and people power in 2021, 2022. Fortuna This also touches on the questioning family theme of 2023 and you will be drawn into that, as Saturn joins Neptune quite publicly in your solar Fourth House. The planet Saturn rules over time, wisdom, and boundaries, prompting many of these themes to become significant upon the return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. February 16th: Sun 27 Aquarius conjunction Saturn 27 Aquarius My thanks to your readers Brigitte, Good Vibes, Amethyst, Citrine, Iris Smith, 444, Leah and so many others for asking such great questions. We need to find a new home before the baby is born in August. 25 Leo 04 49 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. You need total control of your marriage. Can you please tell me what Saturn conjunct my Sun, MC, and North Node mean? You were born into a situation where you were shut in, or shut out. May 19: New Moon in Taurus. Many couples who endure periods of long-distance relating or separation have this Saturn placement. One way around the transit is to indeed use the Tarot and ask how the oppositions are showing up, and how best to deal with them, for everybodys sake, but particularly yours. WebNinnescah River. She brought in another ship, with herself on it, and crew, who could row over to him, and negotiate a deal with him. Fighting a property developer. Well, Saturn is going into Pisces and your Twelfth House, so nothing to do with foreign countries, partnerships or conflicts. So Im wondering if Saturn will now curb these 12th house activities for me? It begins towards the end of March. Were also planning to travel in March. You are a Sun Aquarius, with stelliums in Capricorn, Aries, Taurus. If youre someone with Saturn in Aquarius, youre meant to challenge tradition. Ill try again at some point. Aquarian ideals are often bright, innovative and enterprising, so people with Saturn in Aquarius are likely to be highly intelligent and creative. In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. Would the new placement also bring a more compassionate communicative approach for Capricorns or successful results in trying to improve the daily life (I am trying to quite smoking lately). 32 R Its the equivalent of Saturnalia. 1992-1994 was pivotal in my life, but quite a mixed bag. Reveal the unique insight Tarot has for your week ahead! History shows us how themes might repeat in 2023. I suppose the question for you and the family is, can anyone be bothered to make the effort to try communication and closer contact? to who knows where. Hallo Jessica, thank you so much for your work and that I can be a part of your community. Search Covid on here for useful links. Is this a warning to just stay away from people, and does it just apply for the day?. Add These Dates to Your G-Cal: May 5: Full Moon and lunar eclipse in Scorpio. I suggested he take a month or two off but he doesnt think he can afford this. I noticed I have Hygeia, and Prosperina, and Psyche! This British VOGUE photograph of Adele with her Saturn tattoo is a brilliant capture of what it feels like to leave your twenties and enter your thirties. This is where the idea of Saturn and responsibility comes from. You see I have never had children and to be honest have never spent much time with infants or teenagers. I also have a few very interesting transits taking place right now and would love your insights into how I should read/prioritise these especially when there are so many hitting the mark: Thank you. You hope hell be gone eventually. He will be offered a sensational career, academic or unpaid work opportunity from May 2023 to May 2024 and it will set him free. You are in a terrific position to find an answer when Jupiter trines your Virgo factors after May 2023 until May 2024. Thats typical. Your thoughts are very much appreciated. If your birth date falls in either of those ranges, youre officially becoming an adult (according to astrology). You are strongly Aquarian and supply groups, and have a circle of friends, or friendly faces. So be fully aware, in touch and in tune with who you are in 2023-2026, what you are doing and why you are doing it. As Saturn makes the opposition, we have to remember Jupiter in Taurus from May 2023 to May 2024 will also make the trine and so the point at which life becomes the challenge to change for him, is also the point at which he is given exactly who or what he needs to make that easier. Thank you Jana. In astrology, you navigate successfully with knowledge. In 1346, the first year of The Black Death, we saw Saturn move out of Aquarius (groups, friends) and into Pisces (religion, the church). So can the never-ending crush on someone you are never going to be with! The big change month is March when years of questions about who or what has the power, disappear from your career. The old restrictions and obstacles preventing a property move disappear. Rex E. Bills (The Rulership Book) associates Saturn with chronic and Saturns Greek predecessor was Kronos. When Saturn is in a particular sign and house, by transit, we reap what we sow. You had your Saturn Return in Aquarius so thank goodness for that. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. Modern astrology is Roman in origin. Thank you very much for your help, should you wish to give it. So we would expect to see restrictions, thresholds, curbs, boundaries with groups and friends (Aquarius) and then religion (Pisces). I am sorry you went through this episode; Saturn transits can be like that, but this one is nearly over just one month to go. Such an informative and interesting article. Jupiter in Aries transits both your charts, through the Second House of banking. Saturn is death, and he is the ferryman who takes us from the material world to the empyrean realms. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. hi Jessica, my 3rd saturn return in pisces 2023. Are there dates we shouldnt be signing contracts? You cannot separate how you feel (physically and mentally) from your daily grind. 27 Capricorn 04 Apollo was much imitated in Rome. Your Saturn Return is typically as you approach the age of 30 and deal with marriage, which restricts you to one partner for the rest of your life. Your daughter and grandchildren are thus part of the story of karma, which ends in July 2023. A powerful new friend will arrive in March, or will re-emerge in your life. Saturn will soon be transiting my Midheaven one more time. Bills also associates Saturn with bondage and we can feel bound by (insert word here) on a transit to natal Saturn. You can be whoever you want to be and do whatever you want to doas long as youre honest with yourself. Thank you. It becomes more important, when tied into aspects to other factors. It is truly hard but necessary. Hi Jessica, New rules. How Saturn in Aquarius Is Reshaping Society and Technology. Just because I am aware of how bad it is out here. She wants to visit this year, interstate, and I suspect its a farewell of sorts, which is fine except that for her, having had chemo and then travelling in a COVID rich environment is literally asking for it. The barriers and obstacles we can see. WendyT. Its good to be aware of how you honestly feel about work, housework, unpaid work, study and correct anything, rather than let it get to the point where you have symptoms which achieve things for you. A figure, organisation or experience redolent of Saturn may well appear in March. Jupiter in Aries in your solar Tenth House of success is about opportunity, expansion and improvement. I feel like I am increasingly getting blocks , barriers and getting more and more down. If you try to block or curb, you will also meet your threshold. I am sun cancer and keep hearing what a fabulous year it will be but it doesnt feel like it yet. Who is in charge? The world will experience a big bump. Over the next few years you will have the chance to really look at yourself, and the nature of your purpose in life will become much clearer to you, as Saturn will bring you messages from the other side from whence you came. 20 Libra 14 38 Children. You are in Australia but the airlines and airports, cruise ship companies and ports have rolled out a red carpet and we have to deal with it. Some of the stressors of the last years are finally fading for me and with Saturns help Ill get rewarded for establishing better habits again. Leo is the sign we associate with kings. People politics with work, unpaid work or academia ends in March. So have a look at what you need to do, from March. I have stelliums in Aquarius and Pisces. The old life of no boundaries and the rather random matter of everything and everybody being all over the place, all the time, cant go on. i have been dealing with difficult situations at work for the past 3 years and i couldnt take it any more and felt like i can never win with these people inspite of being perfect and the best at work! Maybe thats why nothing has come of the work so far, or maybe the direction I had in mind was simply wrong. Salacia The Tarot can be useful at times like this: ask How have I expressed my Saturn pattern so far? and even with just one card, you can find all sorts of answers and insights about the next one. Would appreciate any comments on this or anything else you see in my chart. Mercury square Saturn is always about the obstacles to your voice across all mediums and media. godbole surname caste,

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saturn in aquarius tarot

saturn in aquarius tarot